Journeying to the Promised Land…over the hills and
through the valleys
Moving slowly…and learning along the way
Over high hill and valley low…and then we came to the river
Not the river of the Promised Land…not the river of milk and honey
A river of swirling waters…much too swift to cross
But we must carry on to the Promised Land…where do we go from here?
Look for calmer water…call this the Promised Land?...or maybe build a
We have no wood or iron…how can we build a bridge?
If we each become a piece…together we can be the bridge
I will go first…hold my hand
Step by step, hand by hand, heart by heart…into the swirling water
A living, breathing bridge…reaching the other side
The last one’s safe…a great lesson learned
To reach the Promised Land we must travel together
Travel together, to ford the swift rivers…with the strong carrying the
Travel together, where young help the old…and old teach the young
Together, no hill too high, no valley too low, no river too deep
To keep us from reaching the Promised Land